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Driscoll Foods is proud to announce its recent partnership with The Barnegat Oyster Collective, a cooperative of independent farmers based in and around New Jersey’s Barnegat Bay. The Collective aims to encourage people to know where their food comes from, to support small farmers, and to make New Jersey an oyster destination once again. The farmers who make up The Collective aim to respect the tradition of the industry while also exploring new and innovative solutions to farm better oysters more efficiently. With several different varieties harvested daily, customers now have access to the best oysters the east coast has to offer, and they can be added to regular orders without any special lead times or skip days.
To learn more about the resurgence of the Barnegat Bay and it’s oyster farmers, be sure to check out the trailer below for the documentary The Oyster Farmers.
House Party Foodshow
Driscoll Foods House Party Foodshow
Tuesday, October 24th
10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Metlife Stadium